How Datascore uses Twilio Trust Hub to increase call answer rates and deliver high-quality voice engagement

Mobile data


lift in contact rate



list penetration

Arrow trending down


reduction in Spam


Datascore wanted to build a high-quality voice engagement solution for telesales and help weed out “bad actors” making spam calls.


With Twilio Voice, Trust Hub and Twilio Studio, Datascore helps customers connect with interested prospects and achieve high-quality engagement in a compliant manner.

In an era where most people never answer voice calls for fear of a “bad actor” on the other side, Datascore still believes in the power of live engagement. On the surface, it seems like an insurmountable task: How can one company overcome years of deceptive and unwanted calls to build trust? 

Consumer skepticism is just one of its challenges. Government agencies have enacted complex rules and compliance standards, making it difficult for legitimate businesses to adapt. Meanwhile, many telemarketing companies continue to bombard callers with hacks and scams.

Datascore is taking on all of these hurdles for its customers, helping legitimate companies connect to the right people at the right time and boost caller engagement. They’re doing it with AI, data science, machine learning—and Twilio.

With the help of Twilio Trust Hub, Twilo Studio, and a strong Twilio partner team, Datascore is not only helping customers build high-quality engagement, they’re also shifting attitudes around compliance. Ultimately, it’s a win for consumers, companies, and the telemarketing industry as a whole.

Creating better experiences on both sides of the call

Datascore works with organizations that need to reach prospects by voice: large enterprises, solar energy companies, firms doing outreach for Medicare enrollment. Whatever their size, these customers share a desire to make high-quality connections, keep their call center agents consistently busy, and provide better experiences for those agents throughout the workday. 

“Our customers’ core objective is to connect with their customers,” said Brent Biggs, CEO of Datascore. “They don't want to be treated like spammers and they’re willing to change the way they dial to be successful.”

Other telesales solutions aren’t meeting those needs; in fact, they’re making the problem worse. 

“Our customers’ core objective is to connect with their customers. They don't want to be treated like spammers and they’re willing to change the way they dial to be successful.”

Brent Biggs CEO

Building solutions that align with customer goals

One of the primary reasons Datascore chose to work with Twilio was the strong, growth-oriented partnership it created with Twilio's Personalized Support team, comprised of Techinical Account Managers. “Companies often brag about providing a high level of service when you buy a particular support package and then you’re disappointed. But this was one of the best products I've purchased from Twilio,” Biggs explained. “Our Technical Account Manager has been instrumental in removing roadblocks and getting us answers.” This support has been vital in helping Datascore with its research and development: “I call Kirk the second best product at Twilio.”

Another critical factor was Twilio’s deep understanding of the telecom space and its ability to solve complex technical problems. In the early days, Datascore needed to convince high-value enterprises to trust the company with their call center business. It couldn’t take chances on just any technical platform. Closing those deals required Datascore to have confidence that its back-end technology, connectivity, and compliance were robust and resilient.

​​Trust Hub from Twilio has become a critical solution for Datascore, providing a high level of trust that helps them deliver quality conversations across the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) without being flagged as spam. Trust Hub enables companies to create an identity that can be used to unlock multiple Twilio communication services, and propagates customer trust to downstream partners, such as carriers and email service providers, enabling them in turn to fully trust Twilio customer traffic.

Datascore also needs the ability to build solutions fast. Twilio Studio is a valuable tool for the company, with low-code configuration capabilities that allow Datascore to quickly iterate call flow configurations. Datascore then leverages machine learning and generative AI to do things like identify, classify, and route calls faster. It uses data modeling to identify prospects who are more likely to be interested and cull those who aren’t. 

With Trust Hub, Twilio Studio, and its own in-house expertise, Datascore helps customers connect with interested prospects and achieve high-quality engagement in a compliant manner. Call centers are able to make fewer phone calls and avoid more aggressive tactics. Ultimately, this creates a positive feedback loop that delivers better results for everyone. 

“The consumer is getting what they want, the government isn’t getting complaints, and the carriers aren't being inundated with a bunch of repetitive abusive phone calls. This solution meets everyone’s objectives.”

Brent Biggs CEO and Founder

Helping companies be good actors

Twilio leads the way in compliance, offering products through Trust Hub such as Caller ID Name (CNAM), SHAKEN/STIR, Branded Calling, and Voice Integrity that enable Datascore to correlate compliant practices with ROI. When intent is higher, calls are branded, and consumers are expecting a phone call, engagement improves and results follow. 

Helping customers build trust, generate more sales, and avoid penalties sparks a mindset shift. By making it more profitable to be compliant, Datascore helps companies see the value in adopting trust-based practices and standards. If being a good actor is rewarding, it’s so much easier to do what it takes to get there. 

Because Twilio’s capabilities align so well with its mission, Datascore is able to help customers make the right decisions, deliver trusted communications, and achieve consistent, high-quality engagement. Together, Twilio and Datascore have abstracted away the complexities of delivering compliant calls that consumers can trust.

Cultivating trust, one call at a time

Looking forward, Datascore aims to keep improving its communications tools, honing in on what consumers want and building positive experiences for every stakeholder. With the combination of Twilio Trust Hub and the Twilio account team, Datascore will keep building new solutions that elevate outbound telemarketing and drive results.

It sees Twilio as a crucial partner in helping build a future where companies can reach people interested in what they have to offer, and prospects are no longer terrified of answering a voice call. Biggs said it best: “Because Twilio stays ahead of what is coming next, it continues to help us lead the way.”

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