Luce chooses Twilio Flex to ensure an exceptional customer service experience for its clientele

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Increased efficiency

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Additional staff needed even though calls have doubled

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Seconds decreased in call time

Luce Maintenance Group first started in 2006 as a small side business with a few employees cleaning homes and generating business through neighborhood fliers and tearable phone numbers on notice boards. Fast forward to today, they are now a full-fledged startup in Singapore that offers a one-stop solution for almost any type of cleaning or repair service a household or office needs.

Luce employs more than 700 full-time workers that cover services for home and office cleaning, floor polishing, carpet cleaning, air-conditioning, pest control, and laundry services. The company proudly supports 400 local businesses and 1,000 households in Singapore. Some of their clients include Berkshire Hathaway, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Spanish Embassy.

And while Luce offers all kinds of cleaning services, the majority of its home cleaning services caters to the busy household. The dual-income, no kids household is one of Luce’s key demographics, the household who’s life experiences and careers are prioritised over domestic duties. Recognising this mindset led Luce to taking a very customer-centric approach when it came to customer service and support. Their goal was to offer efficient yet personalised communications when a customer called their contact centre. This meant that when an agent picked up the phone, they immediately knew who the customer was and could possibly anticipate their needs without wasting their time soliciting personal information from them. Luce therefore needed a solution that would enable them to integrate the company’s CRM system with their contact centre so that agents could quickly access customer information, work from multiple systems in a single dashboard, and handle a variety of queries more efficiently, and ultimately provide a more personalised experience for the customer.


Luce chooses Twilio Flex for their new contact centre platform

After assessing and trialing several options, Luce chose Twilio Flex for their new contact centre platform. Twilio Flex offers businesses the opportunity to build and craft the types of experiences that set themselves apart and drive their top line revenue. Once Luce realised the Flex platform would help them achieve their objective for superior quality customer care, implementing and deploying the solution was quick and simple. It allowed them to easily upgrade their system, and build and integrate their own APIs so they could both customise and optimise the contact centre to the way the company needed to operate.

“Before Twilio, we tried various solutions, but none were able to achieve the full outcome we needed when it came to offering a bespoke customer experience. We chose Twilio Flex for our contact centre platform, because of its fully customisable UI, which allowed us to build our own workflow and interfaces, and easily integrate it into our CRM system.”

Jason Zhang Managing Director

Agents now have a streamlined view of their customer's profile

With Twilio Flex, contact centre agents now have a streamlined view of their customer’s profile along with access to the most immediate and relevant data in one single dashboard. The integration of Twilio Flex into Luce’s CRM system helped streamline workflows so that agents can bypass asking questions aimed at retrieving their data, thereby providing a more personalised customer experience while being productive and efficient.

Agents of Luce working in the office
Agents of Luce working in the office

“We’ve seen call times decrease by 30-45 seconds, and because our contact centre receives a high volume of calls daily, these seconds add up and we’re left with valuable additional time to serve more customers that day. In fact, the number of calls have doubled over the last year but because Twilio Flex has enabled efficiencies, we have not needed to grow our customer service team.”

Jason Zhang Managing Director

Improved operational efficiencies with Twilio Flex

Twilio Flex has also helped improve operational efficiencies around the use of WhatsApp. Previously, contact centre agents found it time consuming to have to fill out numerous fields in order to send customers a message on WhatsApp. With Twilio Flex, Luce was able to build a way to access relevant data on the back-end and automatically fill in the necessary fields.

There was also confusion among customers around the company’s WhatsApp phone number versus their main company line seen in which were originally two separate numbers in the company website. However, once they implemented Twilio Programmable Messaging for WhatsApp into their contact center, the issue was resolved.

In addition to the Flex platform, Luce leverages Twilio’s Programmable Messaging to issue one-time passwords (OTPs) in order to ensure the security of its first time customers when they book their sessions, from home cleaning to aircon servicing etc.

Messaging with Luce Home
Messaging with Luce Home

Looking forward, Luce's goal is to become a household name

Luce’s goal is to become a household name when it comes to cleaning and repair services. They would like to be perceived as everyone’s go-to referral or even be referred to as “I know a guy.” Luce is currently working on opening a 2nd office in Indonesia and is excited about expanding its services outside of Singapore but the company is also eager to look at ways to continuously optimize its operations and enhance the personalization of its customer service. For example, they’re exploring how contact center agents can leverage customer data to upsell, offer promotions, cross sell or recommend other value-add services. Because Twilio’s Flex platform is a fully customizable solution, Luce will be able to take its business to the next level when they’re ready.

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