Glassdoor helps job seekers find jobs they love with Twilio SendGrid
Time to read: 3 minutes
During Glassdoor’s early startup days, things moved fast. To reach its ever-expanding list of job seekers, the job search platform needed to quickly and reliably scale its email program. Glassdoor found Twilio SendGrid was up for the task. Fast forward eight years, Glassdoor’s email program has grown tremendously—in the past three years alone, email volume has tripled. The company has built upon Twilio SendGrid’s Email API to create an email experience that job seekers will love. Delivering personalized content to both job seekers and employers, the company sends a vast scale of email.
Powerful recommendations help recipients navigate career paths
One of the strongest ways Glassdoor connects with job seekers is through email. Leveraging data from the Email API, the company delivers job recommendations and insights that are relevant and personal to each recipient. Looking for project management positions in San Francisco? Glassdoor caters email alerts to unique values, mining its wealth of knowledge about company culture to provide job seekers the full picture.
The job search can be a full time job in itself—a lengthy process full of stops and starts. Glassdoor guides busy job seekers with timely emails throughout their career journeys, helping them stay on task and up to date. Then, once job seekers land a job, the job search platform continues to offer content that helps them thrive in their careers.
On the other side of the job search, Glassdoor sends employers emails with critical information like new company reviews and CEO ratings. The recruiting platform also helps hiring managers save time by sending job candidate resumes right to their inboxes.
Gauging net promoter score (NPS) feedback, Glassdoor’s recipients appreciate timely email recommendations that place the latest insights at their fingertips. Compared to benchmark industry metrics, Glassdoor has sustained strong open and click rates by providing relevant content that’s uniquely personalized for recipients—some high volume emails achieving unique open rates north of 30%.
“It just works, that’s the magic of it,” said Nonso Maduka, Director of Product Management at Glassdoor. “The job search can be so stressful. Knowing we offer something that’s reliable and delivers job seekers the information they need so they can focus on the important part— making a career decision—that’s incredibly powerful.”
As Glassdoor’s email program has scaled, the complexity of deliverability has grown exponentially. With so many inputs and variables to consider, no UI or dashboard fully understands the nuance of Glassdoor’s email program. Upleveling deliverability takes a human touch.
Partnering with Twilio SendGrid’s Expert Services team has helped the job search platform get smart about its email deliverability. Glassdoor works closely with Twilio’s email experts to develop strategies and identify opportunities, using the team as a sounding board for new ideas. Now, Glassdoor’s email strategy is proactive rather than reactive.
“Deliverability is more of an art than a science—the landscape is constantly changing. We’re a lot more confident knowing we have someone in our corner at the leading edge of what’s happening in the deliverability space. SendGrid is an extension of our team—their deliverability insight lets us focus on delivering great content and experience to our users.”
“One of the most powerful parts of our partnership is that we’re able to see around the corner and build a robust system that helps anticipate problems before they happen, as well as take advantage of opportunities that present themselves,” says Maduka.
Glassdoor has its finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the broader email landscape, as well as emerging trends happening in its own email program. The job search platform maintains a healthy email program with an average monthly delivery rate of 99.5%.
“Deliverability is more of an art than a science—the landscape is constantly changing,” explained Maduka. “We’re a lot more confident knowing we have someone in our corner at the leading edge of what’s happening in the deliverability space. SendGrid is an extension of our team—their deliverability insight lets us focus on delivering great content and experience to our users.”

Building on a strong foundation
Glassdoor plans to reach even more job seekers with email over time. The team trusts Twilio SendGrid will grow with them to support this massive scale, all while leveraging data to keep delivering the right experience for users. Pulling in data from the Email API into its own learning models, Glassdoor is continuously optimizing recipients’ email experience.
Next up, the job search platform will merge its product and marketing email send through the API.
As Glassdoor innovates new ways to reach job seekers, they know the sky’s the limit. “We have the flexibility to experiment with new channels knowing our partnership with SendGrid is solid,” said Maduka.
“We’re continuing to grow our email program as we bring on marketing communications, which will ensure our team is consistently sending through the same pipeline. SendGrid was a central consideration when we were deciding what technology to implement for marketing emails. We needed to make sure the new technology could integrate with it.”