How Edureka became India’s fastest growing online learning platform

Bar graph with arrow showing a decrease
100% decrease
in monthly support tickets
A document with a checkmark
80% completion
rate for courses is highest in the industry

Edureka prides itself on being the fastest growing online education marketplaces in the industry. And not because they are the biggest, or least expensive, or the quickest to complete. They have the highest course completion rate in the industry, simply because they do not give up on the students who decide to invest in their curriculum.

The online learning platform provides education for tech professionals looking to upskill, enter a new field, or keep up with the latest technology. Students can take live online courses from market professionals as well as have 24/7 support for any questions or difficulties along the way.

These differentiators are exactly what have made Edureka so successful. Because while there are hundreds of online courses one can take these days, how many times have you signed up and never completed a class?

Live classes mean an increase in engagement from students within the class. Consistent online support means that students can have an experience similar to if they were in a real classroom and working with a professor over email or through office hours. What Edureka’s founders discovered was that while the convenience of a recorded class may drive people to start a session, the lack of accountability stops many users from completing the course.

One reason for student drop off rate is the lack of immediate response to user support queries. While waiting for a reply, students lose interest, get busy with other tasks, and discontinue the course.

Edureka wanted the type of support system that didn’t just answer student questions, but encouraged them to continue, checked in on their progress, and applauded their accomplishments. The type of support system that blurs the line between support agent and actual teacher. They got to work.

Support anytime, anywhere

Offering 24/7 phone support was a critical factor in Edureka’s goal in getting students to always complete their courses. But actually accomplishing that goal was no easy feat.

Edureka’s agents began to receive a surplus of calls from their students on a daily basis. And those calls were riddled with connectivity issues as both participants struggled to hear the other. The platform founders started to search for a partner that would allow a smoother user experience for both the Edureka students and support agents as the company began to scale internationally.

Edureka chose Twilio’s Programmable Voice solution to help make this happen. Twilio’s solution allowed Edureka to take calls from international students from almost any device; anytime, anywhere.

And now, with nearly two thousand calls from students daily, there are almost no connectivity issues to speak of.

“I used to receive roughly 25 notifications a day letting me know there were issues with the calls,” said Edureka Product Manager Aditya Kaushal. “Since implementing Twilio Programmable Voice, those notifications are barely once a month. I’m now able to focus our resources on developing our platform rather than spending time on support issues,” he said.

With the new solution in place, Edureka delivers high-quality and crystal clear audio which enables their staff to accurately troubleshoot any issues their students may have as well as be the support system they need to complete the course. The solution also allows Edureka to record their support calls so they may go back and train their staff to help with future issues.

“Since implementing Twilio Programmable Voice, those notifications are barely once a month. I’m now able to focus our resources on developing our platform rather than spending time on support issues.”

Aditya Kaushal Product Manager

Learning on a global scale

Using Twilio, Edureka has been able to scale their solution from a limited number of cities and classes to providing a global platform available across class sizes and course subjects. Edureka’s sales team also uses the platform to take calls from students all over the world.

In the near future, the company also hopes to enable SMS with Twilio Programmable Messaging to offer even more opportunities to communicate with their students worldwide.

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