Avvo enables people to find the right lawyer for any situation

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of lawyers in the US are profiled on Avvo
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lawyers listed on Avvo
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With thousands of trackable numbers in Avvo's legal directory, attorneys can see how many leads their listing generates, boosting Avvo's client retention rates.

Helping consumers find the right lawyer

Choosing a lawyer is an important decision, and Avvo provides the information and community to help consumers make the best choice. The directory lists profiles of legal professionals from around the world with ratings, reviews, testimonials, and contact information. Avvo is the world’s largest online legal directory, with over 1.5 million attorneys listed. The company connects consumers with lawyers and free legal advice, and serves as a powerful marketing vehicle for lawyers seeking new clients.

Lawyer explaining document to a couple

Matching lawyers with people looking for immediate help is no simple task. When someone is faced with a legal challenge, they turn to the immediacy of a phone call over the potential delays inherent in email.

To justify the cost of a premium listing, Avvo needed a way to show attorneys quantitative data about how many calls their website listings were generating. While listing an attorney’s pre-existing telephone numbers gave consumers a way to reach the lawyers, Avvo had no way to track the calls passed through those numbers. “Without a trackable number, we had no way to measure the leads we send to our clients, and we could only provide a best guess to our impact on their business,” said Josh King, VP of business development and general counsel at Avvo.

“By implementing trackable numbers with Twilio, we have been able to grow our enhanced and sponsored listings more quickly than expected. We have found that our client retention rates are up, along with overall customer satisfaction. The metrics and analytics we deliver with trackable numbers have given our business a real boost.”

Josh King VP of Business Development and General Counsel

Avvo turned to Twilio to enable thousands of unique trackable phone numbers, which are easy to buy in bulk or provision on the fly with the Twilio REST API.

Attorneys who purchase a premium listing receive a unique phone number, and the Avvo website provides a metrics interface where attorneys can easily trace the source of their leads.

Avvo can retain its paying customers more easily by providing visibility into how effective lawyers are at marketing themselves through the Avvo directory.

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