Artlogic uses Twilio SendGrid’s APIs to power email for artists and galleries


Artlogic is an international art technology firm that provides fully integrated websites, inventory management systems, and applications for art galleries, artists, and collectors. Based in London, Artlogic has helped hundreds of clients in 44 countries move their databases online to save time, increase sales, and grow their business.

Founding Director Peter Chater designed the core database system of Artlogic when the company was founded in 1999 and has since helped lead the company’s platform vision.

“Email is absolutely vital for our clients. I don’t know an art gallery who doesn’t use email to keep in touch with their clients. Our platform offers our clients the ability to send beautiful email newsletters and invites for private views, as well as inventory emails for collectors – it’s very much a selling tool.”

Peter Chater Headshot Peter Chater Founding Director


Artlogic originally sent emails from in-house mail servers. But in 2016, they began to run into issues as their client base quickly grew. “September is a critical time for us – the beginning of art season. When our clients started seeing occasional deliverability issues, we knew we needed to solve the issues quickly,” says Peter.

Peter and his team begin looking for an email partner that was:

  • Reliable and scalable

 “The more clients we have, the more email we send,” says Peter. “We didn’t want to solve this problem more than once.”

  • Flexible

“We decided at a fairly early stage we wanted to make it easy for our clients to make beautiful emails. We needed a robust system that we could build on to achieve our vision.”


Peter and his team started searching for an email partner on the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace and found Twilio SendGrid. “We tested it for a while before knowing the system is robust enough for what we wanted to achieve,” says Peter. “It was perfect for us and the price was reasonable–we didn’t consider anybody else seriously.”



With Twilio SendGrid, Artlogic gained:

  • Infrastructure to scale quickly

“We’re taking on new clients at a great rate. With Twilio SendGrid, we can scale mail seamlessly and easily,” says Peter.

  • Insight into email performance

“We didn’t have any stats with our old system. Now we have the fantastic insight into how our clients are performing and can provide more intelligent service to our clients.”

  • Access to SendGrid’s flexible event webhook

“With Twilio SendGrid, we have the the ability to share email data with customers and take automatic actions to protect their reputation like dropping bounced emails. It’s been transformative for us.”

Bottom Line

Twilio SendGrid is a perfect fit for Artlogic because of its:

  • Proven, reliable architecture: Artlogic can send with confidence knowing that it has a high-performance infrastructure to grow its customer base
  • Smart tools for understanding email performance: Event webhooks and real-time email analytics dashboards empower Artlogic to provide better service to their customers
  • Developer-friendly APIsComprehensive documentation makes it easy for developers quickly build the right solutions for their business needs

“Working with Twilio SendGrid has been great. We consider email to be a very important part of our offering and want to be a one stop technology shop for galleries. We wouldn’t be able to offer this to clients without their help.”

Peter Chater Headshot Peter Chater Founding Director

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